Shield Tactics

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Shield Tactics
  • Fast
  • Melee Skill
  • Skill Type: Buff, Shield
  • Impressive shield movements increase defences.
  • This Gambit grants immunity to stuns.
  • +[18000 at Level 150] Critical Defence
  • Duration: 1m

  • Immune to Stun, Daze and Knockdown Effects.
  • After the stun immunity expires you cannot gain the benefit of Stun Immunity from Shield Tactics for 20 seconds.
    Duration: 10s
  • Cost: [135 at Level 150] Power
  • Requires:
  • Clears All Gambits
  • Cooldown: 0.8s

General Information

Class: Warden

Level: 30


This skill is a Gambit, meaning that it requires a certain combination of builders, is activated by using the skill  Gambit Default, and upon use, resets the Gambit Panel.

Using this skill applies the following effects to the Warden:

Upon expiration, applies  Tactically Sound Immunity

Trait Interactions

Determination trait tree

Assailment trait tree

Tracery Interactions

Stats Table (sampling various levels)

Character Level Critical Defence[1]
Non-traited +2% +4% +6% +8% +10%
1 14 14 15 15 15 15
25 73 74 76 77 79 80
50 134 137 139 142 145 147
60 200 204 208 212 216 220
65 267 272 278 283 288 294
75 400 408 416 424 432 440
85 600 612 624 636 648 660
95 867 884 902 919 936 954
100 1210 1234 1258 1283 1307 1331
105 1610 1642 1674 1707 1739 1771
106 1689 1723 1757 1790 1824 1858
115 2400 2448 2496 2544 2592 2640
116 2520 2570 2621 2671 2722 2772
120 3000 3060 3120 3180 3240 3300
121 3154 3217 3280 3343 3406 3469
130 4540 4631 4722 4812 4903 4994
131 5200 5304 5408 5512 5616 5720
140 9070 9251 9433 9614 9796 9977
141 10700 10914 11128 11342 11556 11770
150 18000 18360 18720 19080 19440 19800
  1. With and without ranks in  Movement Training.